Please find Professor Darryl Whetter’s article on CBC:
Profile of a Sainte-Anne College Professor
I began my career in 2001 as secretary to the registrar, secretary to the director of research and development, and as webmaster. Shortly after being hired, I was asked to teach a course. From 2002 to 2013, I taught on a course-by-course basis, with three-month contracts. As well, from 2009 on, I worked on program […]
L’obsession de la virgule et l’amour des griefs
Bonjour, Aujourd’hui, je ferai court en vous racontant une petite anecdote. Hier, après avoir mangé une excellente pizza livrée par notre efficace comité du ravitaillement, je jasais avec mon collègue Désiré. Nous étions dans ce moment d’entre-deux alors que l’équipe du matin, dont je faisais partie, laissait la place à l’équipe d’après-midi, dont Désiré faisait […]
Transparence and straightforward communication
The Association of Professors and Librarians of Université Sainte-Anne (APPBUSA) deplores the communication strategy of the university administration, which approaches attempts at disinformation. Since the beginning of negotiations, the administration has refused to clearly present its positions to the university community and has made incomplete statements. For example, they maintained that they were ready to […]