Communiqués English

Nearing Semester End, Profs in Record Strike To March on Legislature

Halifax, Nova Scotia—On Wednesday 13 April, professors and librarians from the record strike at Université Sainte-Anne, as well as  their vocal student supporters, will move their multi-week demonstration to Province House. They hope that the government will persuade the University’s administration to enter into the binding arbitration that the province’s Acting Chief Conciliation and Mediation […]

Communiqués English

Transparence and straightforward communication

The Association of Professors and Librarians of Université Sainte-Anne (APPBUSA) deplores the communication strategy of the university administration, which approaches attempts at disinformation. Since the beginning of negotiations, the administration has refused to clearly present its positions to the university community and has made incomplete statements. For example, they maintained that they were ready to […]

Communiqués English

Press release

APPBUSA has now received the list of contract clauses held back from arbitration by the administration. There are 44 clauses, relating to 11 different articles, addressing not only management rights (as the administration claimed in its March 31 press release) but in fact covering a wide range of critical issues: hiring and re-hiring, work overload, […]

Communiqués English

Professors from across Canada To Join Picket at Université Sainte-Anne

Church Point, Nova Scotia—On Friday 1 April, professors and librarians from across Canada will join the daily picket line at the main campus of Université Sainte-Anne for the second time. The legal Sainte-Anne strike, which 93% of members of the Association des Professeurs, Professeures et Bibliothécaires de l’Université Sainte-Anne [APPBUSA] voted to launch, is now […]

Communiqués English

Press release : Sainte-Anne Admin Declines Arbitration

Church Point, Nova Scotia—The administration of Université Sainte-Anne has declined an invitation to enter binding arbitration and immediately return students and professors to class here in the fourth week of a strike. Following a meeting with Nova Scotia’s Acting Chief Conciliation and Mediation Officer, the Association of Professors and Librarians of Université Sainte-Anne (APPBUSA) formally […]

Communiqués English

Professors from across Canada To Join Picket at Université Sainte-Anne

Church Point, Nova Scotia—On Friday 25 March, professors and librarians from across Canada will join the daily picket line at the main campus of Université Sainte-Anne. The legal Sainte-Anne strike, which 93% of members of the Association des Professeurs, Professeures et Bibliothécaires de l’Université Sainte-Anne [APPBUSA] voted to launch, is now in its third week. […]

Carnet de grève English

The Reach of Rumor

Susan Knutson A rumour reached me – a wild idea roaming and running at large. It is a crazy idea but compelling, and I am compelled in turn to respond. Here is the idea: “the interests of the faculty and those of the ‘university’ are in opposition.”  Let us look closely into this assertion. In […]