- I began my career in 2001 as secretary to the registrar, secretary to the director of research and development, and as webmaster. Shortly after being hired, I was asked to teach a course.
- From 2002 to 2013, I taught on a course-by-course basis, with three-month contracts. As well, from 2009 on, I worked on program development and managed student internships.
- During those 12 years, I was often on short-term contracts, applying for EI over the summer.
- At various times, I worked as tech support, keyboardist, internship supervisor, program consultant, staff trainer, and on various committees.
- In 2013, I was offered a 3-year tenure-track contract as a college professor. Currently, I chair the Professional Programs Department, with 246 students this year (2021–2022). Program administration, which involves supervising and advising all of the students, is very time-consuming. Two of our three professional college programs have been suspended since 2020, so it is insecure.
- As well, this year I am teaching 12 classes, 8 of which I’ve never taught before and have had to develop.
What are your wishes for the future of Université Sainte-Anne?
- I hope that in the future, we, the professors, will be consulted before the administration takes important decisions that affect us and our students, as well as other staff.
- The administration should understand that work overload weighs heavily on employees and negatively impacts learning conditions for the students.
- When enrollment increases, more human resources are needed. Even with the suspension of programs, my department has seen a 19% growth in enrollment over the past year.
Why are you on strike?
- job security
- unrealistic work overload affecting the learning environment for the students
- inequality
- lack of respect coming from the administration
- lack of appreciation for our hard work
What is your best memory of working at Sainte-Anne?
- Although I miss them when they leave, I love seeing my students receive their diplomas. It is very satisfying when I learn that they have established careers across Canada and even abroad, in a variety of private and public industries.